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Born in Naples, begins to study singing in 2012 as a baritone with Maestro Gioacchino Zarrelli, last student of Rodolfo Celletti, few months later continues his studies as Sopranist, beginning to specialize in the art of the Baroque. Currently he is studying with Sonia Prina.

He is graduated in Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning from University "Federico II" in Naples and in Early music and Vocal chamber music from Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella in Naples.

In 2012 he attended a masterclass with Sara Mingardo, organized by the Centre for Early Music Foundation “Pietà de ' Turchini“, focused on " recitar cantando" typical of the early Baroque. In 2013  he attended the Academy of Belcanto "Rodolfo Celletti" studying with Stefania Bonfadelli, Leila Cuberli, Antonio Greco, Sherman Lowe, Roberta Mameli, Alessandro Patalini, Paola Pittaluga, Sonia Prina, getting his first solo concert at the XXXIX Festival della Valle d'Itria.

In 2014 and 2015 he had some concerts with a repertoire including Cesti and Bach's arias; he took part to the "Cesti Competition" in Innsbruck. Always in 2015 he attended a masterclass with Xavier Sabata and did a concert in Budapest.

In 2016 he has been prized at the "Umberto Giordano" Competition in Foggia, with the special prize "Nausica opera international", getting the opportunity of important collaborations and productions abroad and in Japan. In September 2016 he performed at the "Festival Giovanni Paisiello" in Taranto in Zenobia in Palmira  by Giovanni Paisiello.

Other appearances include: a concert with Festival Barocco "sicut sagittae" conducted by Antonio Florio, the role of Decebalo in "Trajano in Daja" by Giuseppe Nicolini, Alonso in "La Vergine del sole" by Domenico Cimarosa at Hermitage Theatre in St. Petersburg.

In 2019 he performed Artaserse e Megabise in Händel's Arbace at Händel Festspiele in Halle.

Angelo Giordano


Vedrò fra l'ire e l'armi

La vergine del sole, Cimarosa

Per pietà bell'idol mio

Arbace (Artaserse), Haendel

Potessi al mio diletto

Arbace (Artaserse), Haendel


Alcina (Oberto), Haendel